Your search for the most unpopular President of the United States ends here. Check out this list of the most terrible presidents in America of all time.
The United States of America is one of the most powerful nations around the globe from the very beginning. It is the United States that has produced several world-class presidents who have led the nation at the top of its game in every field, including entertainment, business, sports science, and Technology. There is no denying the reality that some of the presidents of America haven’t delivered better results for the country. They’ve been called the most unpopular presidents of the USA. Here is a short list of the Top 10 of America’s most infamous presidents ever. Let’s look at the list and then tell us which one is the worst and most effective president of America in your opinion.
10. Herbert Hoover

Herbert Clark Hoover was an engineer as well as an American politician. Hoover was the president for the 31st time in the United States for two consecutive years from 1929 to 1933. Alongside being the American president, the president also served as head of the Food Administration and commerce secretary of the States and the top Relief Commission in Belgium. Though historians, critics, and political scientists think of Herbert as one of the worst presidents, he had a good reputation as a caring individual and a public official. It is said that he was among the presidents of the White House to have a phone on the desk at work. His wife was Lou Henry and had a son named Herbert Jr. Allan.
9. William Henry Harrison

William Henry Harrison was an American politician who was a military officer and the 9th president of America. Prior to his political career, he participated in the triumphant Battle of Fallen Timbers, as the leader of the military during the Battle of Tippecanoe and the Battle of Thames. Harrison began his political career with the post of Northwest Territory Secretary, later holding prominent positions including Governor, Senate, and presidency. He was the first person to be elected president at the age of 68, and also the first president to pass away in office. Due to his brief period of just 30 days, Henry was hailed as one of the most unpopular presidents in America and not in the top ten presidents. Harrison got married to Anna Symmes, and they had 10 children.
8. John Tyler

John Tyler was the 10th president of the United States for the period 1841-1845. Prior to that, he served as Vice president. He was elected president following the demise of president William Henry Harrison in 1941. If we look at the presidents who were most unpopular in America He is in those in the top 10. He was a strong state rights advocate and follower and sought to protect state powers.
John as president was a stern constructionist, vetoing bills of the party, and the establishment of a national bank, in addition to increasing taxes, which resulted in rubbing the party into the wrong. In the event that John was elevated to the presidency and became president, his Whig political party snubbed Tyler’s vote to block. But, prior to his departure from the presidency, John offered Texas statehood considering the economic benefits. In 1861, Tyler became a member of the Confederation although initially, he was a supporter of the Peace Conference, later being an official and member of the Secession Convention upon Virginia’s success. He was married to Julia Gardiner after the death of his first wife, Letitia Christian, and had 15 children.
7. Millard Fillmore

Millard Fillmore is ranked 7th position among the most unpopular Presidents from America in history. He was the 13th President of America. He was also the only president not affiliated with either the Republican or Democratic Party. He was vice-president at one point however, following Zachary Taylor’s passing was elected the president after only two years of his vice presidency.
Millard was a well-known lawyer and politician before joining his Whig party as an elected member of the New York Assembly and House of Representatives. Millard was a staunch opponent of slavery, but after his election to the presidency, he enforced his Fugitive Slave Act smashing his and the Whig party’s popularity. Later, the Whig Party was disbanded, and many joined The Know Nothings while Millard was still president.
6. Zachary Taylor

Zachary Taylor was a military officer prior to becoming the 12th President of the United States. Taylor was a national hero who could be elected without much publicity because of his massive victories during the Mexican-American War. The first to serve as president without any political responsibilities after being convinced to do so by his fellow members of the Whig party. He was interested in the issue of slavery however he failed to make an impression due to his limited time in office which lasted just 16 months prior to his death. Zachary is remembered as a mediocre president and one who failed historians and scholars. The couple was Margaret Smith and had 06 six children.
5. Franklin Pierce

Franklin Pierce was a politician and lawyer who was the 14th president of America. He was a highly-regarded lawyer who gained notoriety when he was appointed the attorney of New Hampshire. Additionally, he served as a senator in his position in the Senate and was an elected part of the House of Representatives. Pierce was the one who signed his name on the Kansas-Nebraska Act imposing the Fugitive Slave Act that resulted politically in an American Civil War. However, trade agreements signed by Britain and Japan improved accountability, they also reformed cabinets. His popularity waned after the treaties caused violent disputes over the expansion of slavery. He is now regarded as the least popular and one of the most unpopular presidents in America. His wife was suffering from depression and illness. Three young children passed away at a very younger age. And his final son was killed in a train wreck.
4. Warren G. Harding

Warren Gamaliel Harding was a journalist, politician, and 12th U.S. president. The first president elected sitting senator, and one of the most famous Presidents of the U.S. and represented Ohio. The newspaper he helped to create The Marion star was another accomplishment for his name. His involvement in the Washington Naval Conference naval program was a resounding success that ran for more than a decade.
In addition to his presidency, Warren previously served as lieutenant governor as well as U.S. Senate. His death was marred by scandals, including Teapot Dome, corruption, and an extramarital affair, which shattered the image he earned.
3. Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a politician and businessman, a media persona, and the 45th US president in office. Trump was the very first president of America without a government job or military experience. After his election as president in 2016, protests were held asking for an investigation into claims of Russian influence and conspiracies. Trump was hit with more criticism from his constituents following his derogatory, racist, false statements, and inaccurate statements during his campaigns. While in his presidency, Donald initiated numerous immoral decisions, like the policy on family separations and travel bans Tax Cuts, the Affordable Care Act, and the Jobs Act of 2017, and has been attracting more criticism of himself. Donald is the only one to be the first president who was investigated twice and is ranked 3rd in the list of the worst presidents of America in the past.
2. Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson comes at 2nd second on our list of the 10 worst presidents in America. Andrew Johnson was the 17th U.S. president, assuming after the death of Abraham Lincoln. In addition to tailoring, Andrew got involved in politics by being mayor alderman, governor and mayor of Tennessee, and the sole non-resigning Senate (sitting). In the days before the election of the vice president, Andrew served as the military governor. He was the sole former president serving on the U.S. Senate. Johnson was averse to what was known as the Fourteenth Amendment Act to give citizens to bond workers who had served in the past as well as trying to dissolve his Republican (opposition) House. This led to conflicts that paved the way for an amendment to the Tenure of Office Act confining Andrew Johnson, who later was facing impeachment for causing the removal of his War Secretary.
1. James Buchanan

James Buchanan Jr was the 15th and current U.S. president as a lawyer, diplomat politician, and state secretary from Pennsylvania. James was an influential politician and had a storied political career before assuming the presidency, including as a federalist, minister, senator, and minister from The United Kingdom. Throughout his presidency, Buchanan attempted terrible choices including the Kansas case as well as the Dred Scott trial, which sparked outrage from Northern Democrats and Republicans. His time as president was portrayed as a lame duck prior to becoming the president of the Civil War in America, declaring Buchanan to be incompetent. Because of his numerous failures and poor choices, Buchanan is quoted as the most incompetent leader in the United States ever.