Human infants learn many things from their mothers, which is evident in the majority of routines. So what is the parrot’s ability to mimic human speech and the facial expressions and movements of Apes or the protection power of dogs? Aren’t they smart? Here is a list of the 10 animals that are the most intelligent on the planet.
10. Ant

As the smallest species of animals, ants do not possess a brain that is large. The intricate social structure and communication system used by ants can be extremely complicated and intriguing. For every human being on Earth, it is 1.5 million ants spread across 12000 species. Ants developed in the time of dinosaurs that roamed the Earth.
Ants are intelligent and have smart habits.
- Ants first began farming about 50 million years prior to humans. They grow fungi on leaves and consume the leaves. The method is commonly referred to as farming fungi
- Ant colonies were well-planned. They include thousands of miles in length. They are divided into sections for farming, gathering food items and collecting. Each colony of ants has a unique chemical identity by which they can identify the other ants.
- Ants travel via the pheromone chemical released by the scout, ant is responsible for searching for food. It is interesting to know that every ant has trails for the next ants.
- Certain species of ants can be slaves to other species to create their own colonies.
- Ants are able to carry objects 50 times larger than their body. Because they are armed with strong muscles that are proportional to their body size.
9. Crow

Crows are among the most populated bird species throughout the world. They are not afraid of humans and possess a baffling natural ability to think, they are able to cause trouble to humans. The strategies used by crows in finding food sources and building nests reflects the incredible ability of this bird species.
Intelligent behaviour of Crows
- Crows possess the most brains among bird species, excluding certain species of parrots. They are smart enough to detect the faces of humans and are able to hide the food they eat from birds. The crows also are famous to use various tools to gain their own advantage.
- Crows observe the world around us to locate food. For instance, crows were known to drop nuts into traffic lines to break up the husks and get food. They also are able to break nuts by dropping them on hard surfaces.
- Crows utilized different tools such as pebbles and stones to fight predators that were a part of the world of birds.
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8. Otters

Otters are the tiniest marine mammal found in the world. They are among the animals with a playful nature that resides on the banks of ocean shores and rivers. Sea otters utilized tools such as rocks to search for food and remove undesirable parts of crabs and fish.
Sea otters have the ability to sense predators’ presence by being able to detect the different waves of water. The playful actions of sea otter’s behaviour reflect their wisdom, they dance and glide along the river’s band and in the mud.
7. Pig

Pigs are among the highly intelligent, playful social animals in the world of animals. According to research, pigs are more intelligent than humans and dogs.
Intelligent behaviour of pigs
- Pigs were a part of the amazing social scene They walk with each other ate together, played with each other and rest close to one another.
- Pigs employ 20 different kinds of vocalizations in order to communicate with each other. Even a newborn animal can comprehend what voice actually means when it is produced by its mother.
- Very clean animal, it makes reason to ensure that the bathroom is well away from your home.
- They can track the house even from afar from a distance.
- Wild pigs were used to make an area to cultivate new plants, and also play an important role in the transfer of seeds.
6. Octopus

Octopuses are among the most sophisticated and sentient of invertebrates. They employ tricks to detect the presence of enemies and find them to demonstrate the octopus’s intelligence.
Octopi’s intelligent ways of Octopi
- The only animal in the invertebrates to make use of tools.
- The baby octopus quickly learns the behaviour of other species of octopuses.
- Octopus released an ink-like black liquid when it was first discovered by other researchers, and has the ability to reduce your senses of smell.
- Octopuses are able to alter the form of their body in a variety of ways to protect themselves from predators.
- Octopus was used to create shields to protect their home with various types of shells.
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5. Dog

The most wonderful human companion. A typical dog is as intelligent when compared to a human infant. They have a superior ability to smell and a strong defence against the power of their body, and learning abilities from humans.
Dogs with intelligent habits
- Dogs are more aware of human nature than any other animal.
- Ability to learn faster from your surroundings.
- A high level of understanding.
- It is possible to locate the house from far away locations.
- Their brains can recognize millions of different scents.
- Ability to respond to commands given by their owners.
4. Whale

Some whale species are more similar to dolphins. However, due to their huge dimensions, it can be difficult to train whales. In the same way, the behaviour of social animals, their strategies for communication, and imitation shown by whales make them among the most intelligent creatures.
Whales’ intelligent behaviour
- Sperm whales have the largest brain of another living thing.
- Cognitive capabilities through the presence of spindle cells in the brain.
- Whales communicate through complex vocal tones.
- They are very social and they hunt and travel in groups.
- Beluga whales have the ability to imitate human speech.
3. Elephant

Elephants possess the most brains than any other land animal. They exhibit incredible social skills and are intelligent. Elephants are also among the loyal animals of humans.
Intelligent behaviour of Elephants
- Highly social animals, they are easily able to learn from their environment.
- Elephants are able to recognize hundreds of sounds.
- Elephants exhibit a range of emotions including happiness, joy, and sadness.
- Can imitate a range of sounds.
- The power of using various tools to find food.
2. Dolphin

Dolphins are the third most intelligent animal. Humans make use of the intelligence of dolphins to solve many of the mysteries that plague the oceans around the globe.
Intelligent behaviour of dolphins
- The brain of a dolphin is huge compared to the size of its body.
- They are able to express a variety of emotions.
- Improved learning capabilities by observing the environment.
- When it is time to rest there is only one side that is the brain of dolphins rests and helps to be aware of threats.
- Dolphins are the one marine species to pass the mirror test.
1. Great Ape

Apes rank as the second-most intelligent living thing in the world, second only to humans. According to many theories of science humans evolved from the apes family. Apes have a highly social and socially active lifestyle and exhibit a variety of emotions. The ape family includes gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans and bonobos.
The intelligent habits of Great Apes
- Fantastic communication power.
- Ability to gain knowledge from your surroundings.
- Build your own home. Use different tools for locating food.
- Gorillas’ DNA has similarities to human DNA.
- Apes are able to recognize the individuality of each and learn to speak as well as human language.
- Uses tools to defend against enemies.